Friday, May 1, 2009

the Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships

I was browsing in Limerick City Library last week when I came across a hardcopy of The Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships, published in 2006 by the Department of Health and Children. It's the biggest ever study to be conducted in Ireland on the topic and I'm surprised I hadn't seen or heard about this before considering I have a thing for statistics [reading them, not remembering them] and also because I'm just plain nosey when it comes to other people's sexual habits.

Anyway, pleased to discover that the whole thing is available online, including a summary here. Stats on how much people know about contraception and STI's, attitudes to casual sex and abortion, ages of first sexual experiences, and how many partners people have had and all that jazz. Interesting stuff, and tells us a lot about the areas in which we need to increase awareness and how important sexual education is! Take a scroll through!

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