Monday, October 8, 2012

Heel, boy.

Reasons I want a dog:
1. They're super cute!
2. I like having a thing to love. I'm actually really good at it.
3. I like being loved back! And licked!!
4. Winter is coming and we can snuggle up on rainy nights.
5.  I'm finally at a place where I'm totally ready for one. I think.

Reasons I don't want a dog.
1. I'm leaving Korea in six months -what then? I'll miss it if I leave it here, but it'd be a hassle to take it home and I kind of planned on going travelling alone.
2. I'm super selfish. I like being able to go out with my friends all weekend without feeling guilty that it's waiting for me at home.
3. Having a dog can be expensive.
4. They make your apartment super messy and smelly and you find their hair EVERYWHERE.
5. I can't even commit to a brand of fabric softener.

Huh. I guess I feel pretty much the exact same way about dogs as I do about boyfriends.

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