Monday, January 16, 2012

My first colposcopy!

So I forgot to blog about my most exciting cervical adventure yet -my colposcopy. Seeing as I've blogged about my previous pap exams (see Pap Rally and my most popular post of all, Ch-ch-check It) , I figure I should really provide an update for anyone who's maybe worried about their own upcoming colposcopy.

Basically, after getting irregular results from two routine paps in a row, I was booked in for a colposcopy at the Adelaide and Meath Hospital in Tallaght last June or so. To be honest I was kind of nervous, for a start because I hate hospitals but also because I wasn't sure what to expect. The procedure is described as being like any normal pap, except the doctor inserts a thin rod with a hoop on the end, and removes a tiny area of tissue to be checked out. The literature says "it's slightly uncomfortable but completely painless" and my friend said "Oh my god, my sister had that and said it was hell, she could barely walk afterwards."

Thankfully my friend is just mean and the literature was right, the whole thing is nothing to worry about. Mine got off to a good start when I arrived to find a really nice, modern hospital without a trace of that creep hospital scent. I sat down in the waiting room, on a seat that made loud fart noises at the slightest movement. Then I changed seats, and watched someone else sit on the fart chair and get embarrassed and move. This entertaining process repeated itself until I was called in to see the doctor.

After answering a few questions, I changed into a gown, and hopped up on the chair that reclined back. Their was a TV on the ceiling screening pictures of waterfalls and forests and playing similarly "calming" music that was kind of funny. It started off like a normal pap, except there was another nurse present too who was chatting away to me the whole time. Then I got to see my cervix on a screen which was pretty cool!! The machine made a pretty loud noise, but really that was the most unnerving part of the whole thing. I also realised, afterwards, that she had given me an injection. IN MY CERVIX. Just think of where your cervix is and then think how long that needle must have been!! Ha, but totally felt nothing.
It took maybe ten minutes or less altogether, and truly was a piece of cake.

So yeah, I told you it was a boring post, but still I thought I should update you on my cervical goings on, I know you guys were hotly anticipating it, like a Breaking Bad season premiere.

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