Thursday, May 23, 2013

violence begets

No doubt about it, hacking somebody to death with a meat cleaver is pretty brutal and inexcusable. So too is claiming to do such a thing in the name of a religion. But at the same time...

Look I don't know all the facts about Woolwich. Sure, Woolwich has got me thinking about this stuff but I'm NOT talking about Woolwich in particular here, okay? I'm being hypothetical and shit.

If you sign up to the military (of whatever country) and you are sent abroad, and you end up killing people -some of whom may be what you or your government consider "bad" people, but some of whom are inevitably going to be innocent bystanders, and you manage to deal with it by not thinking about these people you have killed as people as real as your own family, friends, neighbours, because you are just being a brave and upstanding citizen serving your country and/or fighting for freedom -fine. But if one day, then somebody chops you up -or  chops up one of your friends or family members.. well...   it's horrible but don't be a fucking hypocrite about it. 

Just because it happens on a nice paved street with a Boots and a Tesco Express instead of some dusty dirt track in some foreign country where you think that stuff belongs, doesn't make it worse.
That violence doesn't belong anywhere and it's not any more okay when it happens to poor people in war torn countries. Is it more shocking when it happens in your own neighbourhood? Sure. But it's not any more unjust.

Those who are "our brave troops!" to some people are those who slaughter the friends and family of other people. 
You can see that right?

I felt the same way about 911. Of course it was sad, awful to see so many innocent people killed. But hold up, Amurica, your government does this to people all over the world, all the time. Be shocked, be saddened, but don't act so goddamn offended. If your government is doing shitty things to others, every once in a while, expect the others to hit back. I mean, it's nice to have the privilege of thinking "How very dare they!!" and all, but instead, maybe take a minute to think about your own government's role in all this, or something?

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