Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How's it gonna be?

You know what I love? When you've listened to an old song a hundred times, sang along with it a hundred times, and then one day, you hear it one particular time, and it's like hearing it for the first time, and though you've always liked it, this is the first time you've related.
It happened tonight, I was walking through Bucheon's central park, the ground still marbled in snow and ice, and very strangely, not a soul around, and I was singing along with my ipod, when the lyrics to a familiar song which I had never really thought about before, made sense. I dig that feeling.

Break ups are interesting. The whole getting to un-know someone part, I mean. Someone who, in many cases, was your best friend. Who you spoke to everyday, told personal things about yourself, who you had lots of little private jokes with, who you cared about. Watching all that unravel, or disappear. I guess it depends a lot on the hows and the whys of the break-up.
For the most part, I get along well with my exes, we broke up on good terms and most are still my friends. In these cases, the un-knowing process is usually gradual, slow. We might still hang out occasionally, keep in touch, have short online conversations every few weeks, have long, deep drunken online conversations once a year.
Or sometimes you have to stop talking, for yourself, or for the other person, or for their new girlfriend. That can hurt, but you know you're still friends really.

With some exes, it's a little more sudden. Sometimes the un-knowing process happens in one swift flash, with one stomach-churning pang of "you are not who I thought you were" right before the break-up even occurs. And so you end things, and the un-knowing process begins. And it's one of those rare cases where you never want anything to do with them again, which makes it easier. But you still know things about them. You still know their weekly schedule. You still know their upcoming vacation plans, which drawer they keep their socks in, the scents and the scars of their body. And you don't care, you don't think about them (this is the one thing dishonest/disrespectful guys have going for them -you get over them quickly and easily) but you can't help knowing it. I suppose that must fade too, after a while.

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